unions are complaining again in New Costs From Health Law Snarl Union Contract Talks. They are tussling over who
picks up the tab for the new costs associated with the Affordable Care
Act. Unions were among the earliest
supporters of Obamacare. The American Federation of Teachers passionately supported the ACA and donated 1.9 million dollars to
elect President Obama. Apparently, that support
comes with important conditions: Unions shouldn’t have to pay for it, and
Unions should receive waivers from aspects of the Affordable Care Act that
might diminish the quality of their coverage. For example, the United
Federation of Teachers is the largest beneficiary of a waiver from one of the
provisions of the healthcare law.
Apparently, the Affordable Care Act fits the Unions’ politically correct
image that everybody should have health insurance. But…paying for it? That is
somebody else’s problem. As a member of
the “somebody else” contingent, we hardworking individuals, who earn just enough
to squeak by but too much to qualify for subsidies, I say to the unions, “You
talked the talk, now walk the walk!” You
voted in a President and supported a healthcare program that offers high
quality coverage for free to the poor and is affordable to the rich. But, for the middle class? We’re paying much more in premiums and
getting nowhere near premium coverage. Unions
of America, as the slogan goes, “You asked for it; You got it! Now, quit complaining, suck it up and pay for
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